How to Build a DIY Pucket Game for Kids

DIY Pucket Game

Our kids go to a small private school and one of the requirements of this school is to have a parent volunteer. My wife chose to teach a small woodshop class on how to build a DIY Pucket Game. We prepared and pre-cut all the plywood pieces, bungee cords, and pucks. The kids needed to assemble the pieces using a hammer and finish nails. Then tie the knots on the bungee cord and sand the pucks to make them smooth.

The kids enjoyed building the Pucket Game as well as playing it after class with their peers. Now, my wife is one of their favorite volunteers, and kids can’t wait for the next project.

You also might be interested in the previous game projects that I’ve built: Mancala Boards GameTriangle Peg Game, and Cornhole Boards.

Pucket Game

Pucket, or the tabletop puck game, is a classic game that has been around for a very long time, and with good reason! It’s fun, fast-paced, and anyone can play it. The tabletop puck game is a game of strategy, dexterity, and speed, and other variations of the game can make it even more challenging. Keep reading for more about the history and rules of this game, and how to make one of your very own, or to give as a gift.

History of Pucket Table Hockey

The table puck game, or pucket, is based on an old, traditional French game. The original version was made of wood, just like this version, but instead of bungee cords, the original creators of this game used catgut, which would then have to be moistened regularly so it wouldn’t end up limp. Bungee cord is much easier! In fact, the original name for what we know as the table puck game was table à l’élastique. It is still played in France but has made its way all over the world, to be enjoyed by players of all ages and skill levels.

Pucket Game Rules

The table puck game is meant to be played by two players, each seated at opposite sides of the game board. In the center of the board, there’s a barrier with a small slot cut into the center of it; this is where each player will aim their puck, trying to shoot it through to the opponent’s side of the board.

Each player begins with eight small disks or pucks. One of them says “go” (with or without a countdown before it — that part is up to you!) and then you begin using the bungee cord on your side of the board to aim your pucks toward the center hole, which is also called the gate. The objective of the game is to clear your side, meaning getting your own pucks to the opponent’s side, as well as returning any of your opponent’s pucks should they get them through. The first player to completely clear their side wins.

There are a few other rules. For example, players aren’t allowed to push the pucks through the gate with their fingertips or pick them up unless they end up off of the board. If a puck flies off of the board, the person who flicked it off of the board has to go get it. Players can slide pucks out of the way on their own side of the board, but can’t touch any of the pucks on their opponent’s side. 

kids playing DIY Pucket Game

Time to Complete

1 Hour

Total Cost


Skill Level


Pucket Game PDF


This PDF download includes Cut Diagrams, a List of Supplies, and 3D illustrations with detailed steps to build the project. Measurements are in imperial and not metric. Does NOT include SketchUp/CAD files.

The plans are embedded on the webpage for free, but if you would like to support the website, you can pay a small fee to purchase the printable PDFs.

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Pucket Game

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Material List

  • 16 1/2″ x 20″ – 1/4″ Plywood (x1)
  • 1x2x8′ (x1)
  • 1 1/4″ Wood Dowel Rod
  • Bungee Cord
  • 1 1/2″ Finish Nails

Note: Lumber dimensions are listed as nominal size.  See lumber sizes for actual dimensions vs nominal.

Disclosure: Some of the links on this page as well as links in “tools for this project” and “material list” sections are affiliate links. 


DIY Pucket Game dimensions

Step 1 – Cut Two Side Boards

First, take 3/4″ plywood and cut two 1 1/2″ x 20″ pieces for the sides of the DIY Pucket Game. Then measure and mark 2 3/4″ from the end and 1/2″ from the bottom of the board. Drill a 1/4″ hole in the center of the mark. Do this on all sides as shown in the picture.

side pieces for DIY Pucket Game
drilling holes for DIY Pucket Game

Step 2 – Cut Middle Board and Two Backboards

Then take 3/4″ plywood and cut three 1 1/2″ x 15″ pieces. Two of the pieces will be for the backboards and the third piece will go in the middle. The middle piece will have an opening for the pucks to slide through. The opening is 2 1/4″ wide and 3/4″ deep. Measure 6 3/8″ from the edge of the middle piece and draw a 2 1/4″ x 3/4″ box for the opening to cut out. Now, using a table saw, raise the blade 3/4″ high and slide the middle board over the blade to cut out the notch for the opening.

middle divider piece for the DIY Pucket Game
pieces for DIY Pucket Game

Step 3 – Cut Bottom Plywood

Now take 1/4″ plywood and cut 20″ x 16 1/2″ piece. I used white laminate top plywood because it has a very smooth surface for the pucks to slide on.

bottom piece of the DIY Pucket Game

Step 4 – Nail All Boards Together

Arrange all the pieces on the flat surface (as shown on the picture) and nail the 1/4″ plywood to these boards using 1 1/2″ finish nails. Then nail one nail on each side of the long pieces.

top piece for DIY Pucket Game
pieces for DIY Pucket Game

Step 5 – Cut 1/2″ Wide Pucks

Take 1 1/4″ wooden dowel rod (typically used in the closets for hanging clothes) and cut sixteen 1/2″ wide pucks.

pucks for DIY Pucket Game
cutting pucks for DIY Pucket Game

Step 6 – Install Bungee Cords

Take a bungee cord and cut it to 19″ in length. Then using a torch, burn the ends of the bungee cord to prevent loose threads. Then feed it through the holes of the side pieces and tie a knot on each end. Make sure the bungee cord is stretched enough to fling the pucks.

DIY Pucket Game
burning bungee cord for DIY Pucket Game
feeding the bungee cord for DIY Pucket Game
kids playing DIY Pucket Game

Below are pictures of pre-cut plywood pieces for our kid’s school.

material for DIY Pucket Game
material for DIY Pucket Game
material for DIY Pucket Game

23 thoughts on “How to Build a DIY Pucket Game for Kids”

  1. Hello, Viktor:
    I am getting a ‘Failed – Network error’ message when I try to download your pdf. My husband would be interested in making one of these for my classroom for rainy day recesses. 🙂 Is there a way to fix the link?

    Thank you!

  2. This is awesome! Did you put poly or stain on the wood after sanding it down? I want to make sure I don’t ruin the speed of the pucks if I apply something.

    • Hi Geoff,
      You could apply poly but you will need to sand it with grit 350 and up to make it smooth. You could also leave it the way it is without staining or applying poly.

  3. I have also found myself in charge of a woodworking club at a private school. I found this link while searching for ideas to do with the kids. Do you have any other plans like this that could work for a group of kids?


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