How to Build a DIY Chicken Coop with an Outdoor Run

roaming area for chickens

The house for your chickens can be as simple or fancy as your imagination and budget permit. Below is a plan of a DIY chicken coop that I’ve built, you can modify the size to your own needs and likes. A chicken coop is essential for many reasons, including shelter from drenching rain, strong wind, extreme heat, or when it’s …

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How to Build a DIY Workout Bench Press

DIY Workout Bench Press

We all know that exercising is important to our health. Weight training keeps our bones strong; it staves off disease, boosts metabolism, and promotes fat loss. But what if you don’t have access to a gym to exercise? What if your budget does not allow you to get monthly gym subscription? The solution to this problem is quite simple. Build …

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How to Install a DIY Multi-Room Whole House Fan

multi-room whole house fan

Living in California where the temperature gets over 100 degrees in the summer, it gets very expensive to cool down the whole house. The air conditioner needs to run most of the day to keep the house comfortable. We all know that due to climate change the temperature most likely will continue to rise. That means our energy bills will …

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How to Build a DIY Incubator for Eggs (Quail or Chicken)

DIY Glass Incubator

Have you ever tried quail eggs? According to studies, these tiny eggs are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Quail eggs contain more fat, protein, and vitamin B12 by weight than chicken eggs. But these eggs are harder to find and they are more expensive. We have been buying them from a family we know locally. At some point, I …

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How to Build a DIY Mobile Tool Cart with Pegboard

DIY Mobile Tool Cart with Pegboard

Usually, when the weather is nice, I like to work outside in my backyard on different wood projects. But once I’m done for the day, it takes a lot of time to get all the tools back into the garage. To solve this problem, I’ve built a DIY Mobile Tool Cart with Pegboard so that I could easily move my …

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How to Build a Wooden DIY Wall Ball Maze Game

If you have a party coming up and you’re looking for a challenging and fun activity for your friends, one option is to build a wooden DIY wall ball maze game. This is an awesome game for any age group and could be used both outdoor and indoor. Once in a while, I build things using leftover wood from my …

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