Best Tools for Cabinet Making

Best Tools for Cabinet Making

If you’re wondering about the best tools for cabinet making, then you’ve found the right place. Cabinet-making requires careful attention to detail, time, and good tools. And there are a few key tools that will make building cabinets much easier.

For cabinet making, some of the tools you’ll need include standard tools, such as a good electric drill, a table saw (with safety features included), a miter saw, and a random orbital sander. However, you’ll also need some less common tools, such as the Kreg Jig, the Kreg Accu-Cut Circular saw, and the Kreg Concealed Hinge jig. 

Sound a little bit overwhelming? Don’t worry! I’ll go over everything step by step. We’ll talk about what you need to look for, and how to ensure that you have everything for your next cabinet making project. Let’s go!

What are the Most Important Tools for Cabinet Making?

Cabinets might seem straightforward (and they are, once you get the hang of making them), but there are a lot of parts that you need to get right. In this section, we’ll talk about the most important tools you’ll need to make good cabinets.

Here’s a list of the tools you’ll need:

I’ll go over these tools in more depth below. At the end of this section, we’ll talk about some general items you’ll need – just to be sure you don’t forget anything. 

Good Drill for Cabinet Making 

First, you’ll need a good drill. You can use a tabletop drill, or a corded drill, but you’ll probably want a high-powered cordless drill that can be easily adjusted for torque. Also, you’ll probably want to go with lithium-ion batteries, as these last the longest. 

Why do you need a drill? You’ll use it for a lot of things. From using the Kreg jig to create pocket holes, to placing screws for your hinges. While many people say the table saw is the most used tool, I’d argue that it’s actually the drill – so get yourself a good one. You’ll be glad you did.  

Safe Table Saw for Making Cabinets 

Of course, a table saw is important. If you’re trained on how to safely use a table saw, then you can get a lot done in a short amount of time. 

The table saw can help you make specialty guts, such as grooves and dados. It can also help you achieve perfectly straight cuts, which is really important for cabinet making. If you have a bunch of jagged lines, then you’ll likely have a lopsided and weak cabinet. However, sometimes, you will even have a board that’s too big for the table saw – and you’ll another option. Let’s talk about it. 

Kreg Accu-Cut Circular Saw for Cabinetry 

If you have a huge board, then you won’t be able to safely put it through a table saw. You’ll need to use some type of circular saw or track saw. If you’re aware of track saws, then you’ll know that they are actually pretty expensive. 

With that said, if you’re doing a lot of regular cabinet work (and breaking down large sheets of lumber), then I highly suggest getting a track saw. With all that being said, there are alternatives. For example, you could consider getting yourself a Kreg Accu-Cut Jig. This jig essentially turns your circular saw into a track saw, allowing you to break down large sheets of lumber for your cabinets. 

Let’s talk about another critical tool. 

Miter Saw for Cabinets 

The miter saw, also known as the “Chop saw” is another workshop pillar for any cabinet maker. When would you use a miter saw when making cabinets

Well, you would mostly need the miter saw for making cross cuts on the frame of a cabinet. While you can make this cut on the table saw, it’s safer and easier to just use the chop saw. Also, if for some reason you need to make an angled or “mitered” cut, then the Miter saw really is the best option for you. 

When considering miter saws, look at single-beveled vs. double-beveled. Also, think about getting a sliding miter saw if you want to cut wider boards. 

Kreg Pocket Hole Jig 

The Kreg pocket hole jig is many woodworkers and cabinet maker’s favorite tool. Why? Because once you learn how to use the pocket hole jig, you’ll never go back. 

Now, let’s go over a quick disclaimer. Certainly, there are some people who will want to create their cabinets with traditional joinery; however, these methods take much longer and require more effort. 

With the Kreg jig, you can use pocket holes to attach your cabinets. These joints are safe, fast, and secure. And, if you know a few tricks, it’s pretty easy to hide the holes. Get yourself a Kreg Jig for faster pocket holes. They have options for all different budgets and projects. 

Nail Gun for Cabinets 

Many people will use a combination of pocket screws and nail guns for their cabinets. If you have a nail gun, then it can make the process much faster – particularly if you’re using a stock of wood that will require the nails. 

Also, a nail gun can be helpful for attaching the sides to the frame of the cabinet, as well as attaching the ¼ inch stock to the back of the cabinets. When considering a nail gun, you can look at a hoseless battery-powered option, or a compressor-powered option. Both have their pros and cons – the battery option is more portable, but it’s heavier, while the compressor option works for a long time, but it requires the cumbersome hose. 

You’ll have to do a little research to figure out which one is best for you. 

Random Orbital Sander 

A random orbital sander is a must-have for cabinet making. What is a random orbital sander? Well, unlike other handheld sanders, the random orbital sander spins and vibrates in a random pattern. 

This pattern gives the sander a distinct advantage over other sanders – it doesn’t leave behind as many lines. Most handheld sanders will leave behind scratch marks, as they move in a single pattern; however, the random orbital sander removes some of this problem. 

For cabinets, especially when you’re installing nice hardwood cabinets, it’s really nice to have a powerful sander that gets the job done fast and doesn’t leave behind a bunch of lines. The battery powered option from DeWalt is great. 

Clamps for the Cabinet 

You will also need clamps for the cabinet. Clamps help ensure you keep the cabinet straight and true – and this is important for several reasons. For one, cabinets are a pillar of any room. Think about it – when you walk into any room, be it at a house, a hotel, or an apartment, you probably notice the cabinets. For this reason, if the cabinets are lopsided, people will notice. Even if they can’t put their finger on it, when looking at the cabinets, something will just “look off.” 

If you have a good set of clamps you can do several things. First, you can clamp everything together to get a feel for how it will look. You’ll be able to tell if something is off and if something needs to be changed. 

Second, a good set of clamps can act like an extra set of hands while you drill something (for instance, while using the Kreg jig). 

Finally, if you’re doing any gluing, then clamps are a must-have. Without clamps, the glue won’t set properly, or the pieces will shift while the project is drying. 

Kreg Concealed Hinge Jig 

Hinged are notoriously hard to get right. And, as we mentioned in the last section, if you’re doors are hanging lopsided, then people will notice. Thankfully, there are many tools to help you place concealed hinges. 

The Kreg Concealed Hinge Jig will help you get perfect concealed hinges every time. And, if you’re making a lot of cabinets, this can saw you a ton of time. Alright, now let’s go over a few final words on top cabinet making tools. 

Conclusion: Top Cabinet Building Tools (That Everyone Should Have When Starting)

Making cabinets can be a very rewarding process – but it can also be incredibly frustrating, especially if you don’t have the right tools. Also, if you have bad tools, you’re more likely to make a mistake. 

Some of the top tools to have for making cabinets include: a good drill, a safe table saw, a circular saw Kreg jig, a miter saw, random orbital sander, some solid clamps, and a Kreg pocket hole jig. With all these tools, you should be able to get a good start in cabinet making. Also, don’t forget the fundamentals, such as gloves, safety goggles, and hearing protection. 

Finally, keep this in mind: when it comes to power tools, it’s always best to buy nice (otherwise, you’ll have to buy twice). Yes, it’s in investment, but I can promise you, you’ll be glad you took the time to buy something that makes the job easier, not harder. 

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